2019 Fall Festival

We are so looking forward to welcoming the Fall season and the start of another school year with our annual Fall Festival. It's a night full of fun, friends, games, food, raffles, community and more!
There will be a $10 fee per family to attend the festival and you receive one raffle ticket with each paid admission (additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase). Payments by cash, credit card or check can be made at the entrance. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

We will have a variety of food truck vendors available for you to purchase some delicious food.

Come check out all of the incredible prizes we've found for you. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the event.
$1 - 1 ticket
$5 - 6 tickets
$10 - 13 tickets
$20 - 30 tickets
Check back here again for the updated list of our generous community of businesses who have made donations for our raffle contest.

Thank you to these families & businesses for their support of the Gibbs community!
Save time and complete your 2019 Family Participant Waiver Form Now!
Click over there!

Still need more reasons to come? Here are more!
★ Raffle contest with awesome prizes
★ Moon Bounce by Global Children's Center
★ Arts & Crafts by Global Children's Center
★ Music
★ Visit from MCPS Police Officers
★ Visit from Gibby
★ Fall Festive Photo booth by Potomac Gardens
★ Gibbs Minute-to-Win-It Games
We can't make this event happen without your support and participation. Please considering volunteering for the event. Sign up is below:
More information to come. Check back here soon!
Amazon can donate 0.5% of your Amazon purchases to the PTA. Use the link on the left and search for "William B. Gibbs" to select Gibbs PTA as your charity. Use smile.amazon.com to make your purchases and support the PTA!

Box Tops can be found on hundreds of General Mills and other products such as Kleenex, Hefty, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Betty Crocker and many more. Cut out the box tops and put them in an envelope or plastic baggie and have your child turn them in to their teacher. Each box top is worth 10 cents!

View more ways to raise funds for our school community.
Use your registered Giant Food Card each time you shop at any Giant Food, and you will earn CASH for our school. You can confirm your school selection by logging into your account at giantfood.com.
ID# 05738
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