Welcome to our event page! Here you will find a comprehensive list of all of the PTA sponsored events we have at Gibbs this year. You will also find information about the various committees you can volunteer for. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to send us a message through out Contact Page.
PTA Meetings for 2023-2024 School Year
Tuesday September 5th, 6pm
Tuesday October 3rd, 6pm
Tuesday November 7th, 6pm
Tuesday December 5th, 6pm
Tuesday February 6th, 6pm
Tuesday March 6th, 6pm
Tuesday April 2nd, 6pm
Tuesday May 7th, 6pm
Tuesday June 4th, 6pm
Thursday September 21st, 9:15am
Donuts With Dads
We welcome all Dads on Thursday September 21st to bring their children to school then meet in the Media Center for Donuts & Coffee!

Wednesday October 18- Thursday October 26th
Thursday October 26th- Fun Run
A Fun Run will transform our field or parking lot into a high-energy racetrack for students with this awesome Booster school fundraiser. Students will run, dance and skip to high-energy music while being cheered on and having fun! Get Ready!

Friday November 17th, 6-8pm
Fall Dance
Are you ready for some Fall Fun? Gibbs will be hosting it's first dance party of the year! There will be a live DJ, food & refreshments!

Tuesday December 5th, 5:30pm
Cakes With Caregivers
More details to come about this amazing event...

Friday January 19th, 6-8pm
Around the World
Come learn about all of the diverse cultures we have at Gibbs. This night brings together many Gibbs families representing different parts of the world and showcasing their culture through art, food, games and more. We hope many of you will take part in this epic event!

February Events
Stem Night & Family Fitness Night
More information about these events coming soon!

Friday March 8th, 6-7pm
Family Story Night
Because we are always telling our children to read, read, read, here is a special event that encourages just that. At this event, we have a couple of wonderful volunteers (Gibbs staff, parents, SSL students) read to our students in the all purpose room in the comfort of our pajamas and some treats. Don't miss this night!
Friday April 12th, 6-8pm
Bingo Night
Family Bingo Night! This is an awesome event you don't want to miss! So much fun to play bingo and win prizes! Food & refreshments available to purchase. This is an awesome fundraiser for our school!

Monday April 29th- Friday May 3rd
Book Fair
Our book fairs are held during the same week as our Ice Cream Social (Wed May 1st). The children are always eager to bring their parents into the Media Center to show them their literary wish lists. Books are truly one of the best gifts you can gift to a child. Funds are raised with Scholastic Books providing Gibbs PTA with a percentage of their profits.

Friday May 17th, (time TBD)
Gibbs Got Talent Show
If you love to watch a great show and want to support our school at the same time, then this event is definitely for you. Our Gibbs students are incredibly gifted, with an awesome showcase of talent that ranges from singing, dancing, comedy, gymnastics etc. Funds are raised through the entrance fee, concession stand, flowers and shout-outs.

Staff Luncheon's
These luncheons are held about 3 times a year and are really to honor the Gibbs staff with a special meal. They occur at the beginning of the school year as they are preparing their classrooms, during the parent-teacher conferences when many of them are staying late to meet with us parents and during the end of the year when they are getting ready to close out the year. It's a really easy and simple way to show our appreciation to the entire staff who are all integral to the success of our school. Be sure to watch out for SignUp Genius and bring in something delicious!
Want to get involved with the PTA?
Choose an opportunity (or two!) and email:
Spiritwear- We have a logo! We just need a volunteer to create shirts and sell them!
Staff Appreciation Committee- Multiple times a year we provide a meal for the Gibbs staff. You will make a sign-up genius for the event and recruit volunteers either for a potluck or catered meals. Dates: 10/14, 11/20, STEM night, 5/10
Membership Coordinator- Help us increase our membership and bring our community together to support our school!
Dads Drop Off Kids- Dads bring their kids to school and then gather in the media center for donuts and coffee (9/21)
Boosterthon Committee- Identify community sponsors for Fun Run t-shirts. Help distribute prizes for kids 10/18- 10/26.
Fall Dance- Book a DJ, organize food sales, sell tickets (11/17)
Cakes with Caregivers- We serve cake! (12/5, 5:30pm)
Around the World- Otherwise known as International Night or Heritage Night. Families set up tables that represent their cultures. They may serve food or hand out small representations of their country. We wold also like to bring in groups from local schools to perform. (1/19)
Bingo Night- We play bingo! And serve food and have out prices! It is fun! (4/12)
Gibbs Got Talent- An awesome event, come see your children perform on the Seneca Valley High School stage! We need parents to provide refreshments, print a program and organize acts. (Rehearsal 5/10, Show 5/17)