Fall Festival 2018

Our annual Fall Festival is just around the corner. It's a night full of fun, friends, games, food, raffles, community and more!

Friday,October 12th
6pm - 8pm
Gibbs School Ground

There will be a $10 fee per family to attend the festival and you receive one raffle ticket with each paid admission (additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase). Payments by cash, credit card or check can be made at the entrance. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please fill out the waiver either online HERE or fill out this form HERE and submit it to the school.

We will have 3 food truck vendors available for you to purchase some delicious food.

For the first time ever, we will be having a Gibbs Ninja Warrior competition at Fall Festival. Come and compete against your fellow students on the playground. Who will be crowned the first ever Gibbs Ninja Warrior?! Come join us on the blacktop for other games as well!

We will have over $700 worth of prizes. Come check out all of the incredible prizes we've found for you. Raffle tickets will be on sale at the event.

$1 - 1 ticket
$5 - 7 tickets
$10 - 15 tickets
$20 - 35 tickets
Thank you to our generous community for donating items to our raffle!

Mrs. Bosnic

Mr. Kieffer

Mrs. Del Balzo

1st & 3rd Grade Teachers

Special Ed. Dept.
Mrs. Stadtler
Jaclyn Stevens

Dr. Bob Testen

Schmidt Family

Rajadnye Family

Cheryl Shalgian


Karen Penn

Still need more reasons to come? Here are all of them!
★ Raffle with over $700 worth of prizes
★ Face Painting by Global Children’s
★ Moon Bounces by Global Children's
★ Tattoos & Nail Painting
★ Firetruck & Police Officers
★ DJ
★ Photo booth
★ Gibbs Ninja Warrior Contest
★ Candy Jar, three legged race
★ Gibby & Monkey Joe's Mascot
★ Dance Performance by Commotion
PTA needs your support!
Please join us in making Gibbs the best it can be!
Complete the waiver form now.
Raffle Prizes
Have a question or comment? Drop us a message here:
Get in touch!
or send us an email at
Amazon can donate 0.5% of your Amazon purchases to the PTA. Use the link on the left and search for "William B. Gibbs" to select Gibbs PTA as your charity. Use smile.amazon.com to make your purchases and support the PTA!

Box Tops can be found on hundreds of General Mills and other products such as Kleenex, Hefty, Pillsbury, Ziploc, Betty Crocker and many more. Cut out the box tops and put them in an envelope or plastic baggie and have your child turn them in to their teacher. Each box top is worth 10 cents!

View more ways to raise funds for our school community.
Use your registered Giant Food Card each time you shop at any Giant Food, and you will earn CASH for our school. You can confirm your school selection by logging into your account at giantfood.com.
ID# 05738